Local raw honey has to come from somewhere, no there are no bees at the mall, no there are no bees at Costco. We have bees & we have local raw Arizona honey. Not much of a video but these are hives we cleaned up with a better bee that is not Africanized so that we can keep bees on Organic farms. We harvest Wildflower honey, Cactus honey, Mesquite honey, Orange Blossom honey & Cats Claw. Check out our beekeeping classes & come by the farm Sat 10 to 1 pm. Thank you
Honey Hive Farms bee yard in Missouri. Although we harvest 85% of our honey in the Peoria Arizona area we do have to have a good non-Africanized bee stock to be able to keep the hives places in Arizona. The Valley is a very tricky place to keep bees so you have to have a good plan & nicer bees that do not go out to sting people, landscapers or dogs for fun. We also offer hands on beekeeping classes, IF you have bee classes with Africanized bees you could not get back into your car until dark . Love working a nice gentle bee, its great being a beekeeper in AZ.
Honey Hive Farms started over 12 years ago. Many things have changed from were we harvest honey to were we keep the bees. We started out to build beekeeping equipment but soon figured out we liked beekeeping, teaching beekeepers to be, local raw honeys & taking care of our customers with local free Arizona honey deliveries. Along with the beekeeping classes we sell bee packages & deliver them in 8 states including Arizona honey producers to be. Check out all our raw local honeys, our beekeeping class & our queens/bee packages. Raw Honey!
Honey Hive Farms has leaned a lot in the 12 years (this is an old video) To prove my point about Africanized bees, this is what it looks like. Non Africanized bees, our stock there would maybe be five bees on you & one that was mad. NOTE: this was my first couple of years & I do not use a smoker. Also we had maybe three hives open at a time trying to re-queen & move the frames around. Again not one of my best beekeeping days. These hives we had to move four times in four weeks as people in the area kept calling the Sheriff dept to have us move them. Yes our names are on the hives. It all worked out, nice bees now.
14611 N. 83rd Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85381
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